Announcing Drexel's 2021 Truman Scholarship Nominees

February 4, 2021

Congratulations to Drexel's nominees for the 2021 Truman Scholarship!

The Truman Scholarship recognizes undergraduate juniors committed to careers in service of the public interest, by providing them with mentorship, professional development through a summer internship program, and funding for graduate school. These students were selected to represent Drexel University in the national Truman Scholarship competition. We wish them the best of luck!

Melissa Hoxha (BS Biology ’20, Honors) is a junior biology major and legal studies minor planning to pursue a dual MD/JD. Ultimately, Melissa would like to use her interdisciplinary training to work as an ophthalmologist and in public policy as a legislator.


Alisia Lipsey (BA Dance ‘22) has studied dance for the last 3 years, with a focus of Dance/Movement Therapy. She is awaiting her BS in Dance through the Westphal College of Media Art & Design. Alisia looks forward to pursuing her career and graduating Drexel's Dance/Movement Therapy graduate program, receiving her MA in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling. Her experience at Drexel has created a foundation for her desired career path and she is beyond grateful.

Intending to serve marginalized groups, Nishka Seth (BS Psychology ’22) was able to become the Director of Research at the Intergalactic Pride Center, which brought youth from all around the US to participate in workshops that bettered their mental health. Further, she was able to work as a Victim Advocate at CARIE and helped assist elderly victims with the legal issues they faced. Her future includes attending graduate school and attaining a Master's in Public Health, as she would like to change policies to aid different communities in the healthcare system.

*This does not include nominees who decline to be publicized at this stage in the process.

Special thanks to the members of Drexel’s 2021 Truman Campus Committee, who worked with Undergraduate Research and Enrichment Programs to review applications, conduct interviews, and advise our nominees on their applications:

  • Dr. Sonali Jain, Associate Teaching Professor of Sociology
  • Dr. Zoltán Búzás, Assistant Professor of Politics
  • Dr. Nada Matta, Assistant Professor of Sociology
  • Dr. Jack Santucci, Assistant Teaching Professor of Politics
  • Cara Scharf, Assistant Director for Community-Based Learning, Lindy Center for Civic Engagement

We'd like to send additional thanks to Pennoni Honors College Dean Paula Marantz Cohen, Dr. Melinda Lewis, Martha Meiers and Cara Fantini for assistance with campus interviews.

The Truman Scholarship is a highly prestigious national program that supports the graduate education and professional development of outstanding young people committed to careers in public service, including education and non-profit sectors. Since its creation in 1975, the Foundation has supported almost 3,000 Truman Scholars who are making a difference in all corners of the nation and around the globe.

For more information, visit the Truman Foundation website or contact Leah Gates, Associate Director of Undergraduate Research and Enrichment Programs, at